Saturday, February 6, 2010

Longest Drive. EVER. But, yeah not really.

Yeah, I admit, it's totally been worse--it really has. But seriously, why do I do this driving forever thing anyhow, why don't I just break down and get a plane ticket?

Because each and every one of these gem and jewelry shows I go to, no matter the state, I bring three kids with me. Yes that's right three--ages 7, 9 and 10. And seriously, the thought of a plane trip with each of them, scary thought.

But why the show? Why not a regular bead store or even random chain craft store.

Simple. It's about quality. It's about price, and it's about feel. The shows offer not only bulk discounted prices for gold and silver. But they let you touch, feel and sense wach and every stone or part you may want to buy and put in your personal jewelry.

That sensation is incomperable.

And, I like to get the pieces together for cheaper. And sell them for better prices. So that even those with the least amount of money can have high quality, low cost fine jewelry.

So I drive, I drive with three crazy kids across the Texas desert, then the NM dessert, and soon, in about 15 minutes, the bottom half of the Arizona desert.

So I can hit the largets gem and jewelry show in the country, at least once. Now for the coffee that is going to take me the rest of the way.

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